Sunday, 27 December 2009

Happy Holidays

Just a quick update to say that I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas with plenty of everything and to wish everybody a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010 !! Let's hope it's a good one.....



Thursday, 17 December 2009

It's Christmas!

Well, it's nearly here. I've still got a couple of presents to wrap, but at least I have the cards written now!!

I did manage to snatch a couple of hours at the torch on Saturday evening, but mainly to complete a few bits for a commission. I'm not sure whether I will manage any more time this side of Christmas, though, with everything else that is still to be prepared/tidied/wrapped/cooked/cleaned..!!

However, I do have one thing to share.. my little Christmas Tree. It's not overly big and I thought it would benefit nicely from a few homemade decorations.. so what do you think?

And a slightly closer view

I was quite pleased with it, anyway!

On that note, I would like to wish everybody a Happy Holiday and I hope 2010 is a happy and healthy one.



Thursday, 10 December 2009

Lucky Me!

Whilst getting the beads prepared and ready for adding to the website on Sunday, my littlest daughter was raiding my stash and decided to make me a bracelet, so I thought I would share!

She's only 6 and she added the clasp herself, too, so I think she did rather well (and that's thanks to Dizzy Di, who patiently showed her how to twist wire with the pliers at the Beads & Beyond Show in October!) So I think I'm a lucky mummy!!

Still not been near the torch this week - for a combination of reasons like having things to do (wrapping presents, for instance, but still not done those cards...!) and feeling the need to have a few days break from lampworking and doing a little chain maille instead. Hopefully I'll snatch an hour or two over the weekend, but that's between putting up decs, going to Meadowhall Shopping Centre on Saturday morning because the oldest daughter has a party there (Nooooooo, shopping centre, Saturday morning, two weeks before Xmas, what were they thinking?!!), Jiu Jitsu gradings, the usual ritual of spellings, reading and overseeing any other homework and, oh, some food shopping, and not forgetting the dreaded cleaning.... So maybe not, then!!

And that will be another weekend gone. Maybe I'll just get enough time to update the blog, instead? !!



Sunday, 6 December 2009

Sneaky Preview !

Having finally got around to cleaning the latest batch of beads, I am about to add a couple of new sets on the website and will be adding another to my Etsy shop, but I thought I would pop them in this post and give anybody that is browsing around a chance to have a sneaky preview (mind you, you'll have to be a bit quick 'cos they are nearly ready to go!!)

So we have (in no particular order!!)

Lilac Garden (Etsy)

Moonlit Bay (website)

Hawaiian Shores (website)

Misty Rose (website)

Sweet Lime (website)

I hope you like them!!

These will probably be the last listed before Christmas because I'm not likely to have much torch time until New Year now, unfortunately.

So now I'm off to get this listed on the website and Etsy and then I've got a couple of chain maille projects I want to pick up on, so you may see a picture at some point in the near future.....

Have a great week, whatever you are doing.

Ta-ra for now,


Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Wot - Another Week Gone? !!

Whoa, where did that week go? I really don't know, I don't seemed to have done anything and yet I've been really busy! I do know one thing, it's not time that has been spent at the torch. I did snatch a couple of hours Saturday afternoon and played around with a couple of Christmas type ideas, but that was it over the weekend. They've been kilned now, but still awaiting cleaning and a photo or two, so I can't show you anything just yet.

In the meantime I have, at least, managed to get some of my Xmas shopping done (relief!) Still a few bits to get, but mostly stuff that can be ordered online. So that's my next job. Then there's those cards to write.... (I'm sure I'm not alone in not relishing this task!) I have created myself a label template so at least I don't have to address all the envelopes (call it streamlining!)

Finally I have to get my 'Secret Santa' gift wrapped and in the post soon....

Best get to it!
